
Wake Up the Night – A Vietnam War Memoir

Over 2.5 million men and women served in the American War in  South East Asia. Wake Up the Night is an account of the author’s experiences as a soldier in that war, the difficulties of adjusting to life ‘back in the world’, and his eventual involvement in the anti-war movement. Looking back, he challenges the motivations and deceptive tactics used by our leaders,  who seem willing to instigate unnecessary wars while shielding themselves from harm and criticism.  This memoir was originally written for the Library  of Congress under the Robert James Hale Collection.


This book is also available for purchase online at: AmazonBarnes and Noble

Walk Softly…. Eat With Small Sticks

Danger, Romance and Adventure await as you join the author on his wild and rhythmic exploits across the globe. Ride along on dizzying bus rides through the Andes, a rollicking voyage to the Galapagos Islands or paddle a dugout canoe up Tarzan’s jungle rivers in Guatemala. But travel is not always pleasurable. Not even stunning landscapes can conceal the havoc wrought by the geo-political bullies who throw their weight around, keeping the less powerful  nations underfoot. On quieter waters, explore Europe with the author/violinist’s vagabond journeys from Amsterdam and France, to Spain and the Mediterranean conspiring with flamenco and jazz musicians along the road. And finally, not to neglect his own country, we are treated to twisted tales of the road and reflections on the transformations that have occurred since the invasion of the Europeans.

ISBN: 978-0-578-06237-2

This book is also available in multiple e-book formats from Smashwords.

Frogtown Fade-In

During the 17th, 18th and 19th century my ancestors crossed the Atlantic and settled in the New World. Despite diverse backgrounds, languages and cultures, their lives converged in the Frogtown neighborhood of St. Paul, Minnesota where they set down roots and made a go of it. The first section of the book is the story of the immigrants most of whom I have never met, but thanks to the storytellers of the family their tales were passed on to me. In the second section I’ve written portraits of their children and succeeding individuals that I knew. The stories of their lives involved among other things bootlegging, drinking, war, heartache, hard work, and even feasting on the neighbor’s dog.

ISBN: 978-1-312-14494-1

North End Nocturne

A project of the pandemic, this book presents a collection of stories from the North End neighborhood of Saint Paul, Minnesota, spanning almost 100 years.